Entries by CCP


2 min @ Each Sta w/ 1 min rest in between for 2 rounds: Sta. 1: Sled Push / Pull Sta. 2: Tire Flips Sta. 3: Wall Balls Sta. 4: Power Snatch (75#/45#) Sta. 5: Burpees The Jay Bush Experiment…  Jay started with us about a month ago.  Jay wanted to lose a few pounds, tone up, and become more fit.  […]


Run 800m 30 pull ups 20 HSPU 20 pull ups 15 HSPU 10 pull ups 10 HSPU Run 400m


Technique: 5 RM Deadlift (15 Min Time Limit) METCON:  3 RFT 400M Run 50 Back Extensions 50 Situps 25 Med Ball Slams 25 Squats