Entries by ccp


Cindy XXX.. 20 min AMRAP to get as far as you can… 10 pull ups 20 push ups 30 squats 15 pull ups 30 push ups 45 squats 20 pull ups 40 push ups 60 squats 25 pull ups 50 push ups 75 squats 30 pull ups 60 push ups 90 squats


6min AMRAPS  of the following: 50 box jumps 24/20 50 pull ups 50 front squats 95/65 50 dumbbell snatches 55/35 100m sprints (as many as possible) with time remaining


12 clean n jerks 95/65 25 wall balls 20/14 6rft … 24min time cap… Any left over time do as many double unders as possible.