CrossFit – Mon, Sep 9

Overhead Squat (Weight)
Squat Snatch (Weight)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
<p>7 min AMRAP</p><p>100 Plank Hip Touches</p><p>50 Hollow Rocks</p><p>50 Crossover Sit Ups</p><p>Max plate jump burpees (do a burpee and jump on the plate)</p>

<p>Score is burpees only</p>

CrossFit – Sat, Sep 7

Metcon (Time)
<p>Teams of 2</p><p>Station 1</p><p>Row – Cal</p><p>180/150 Cals for time (each partner can row a max of two times)</p><p>(10 min cap)</p><p>4 min Rest</p>
Metcon (Time)
<p>Station 2</p><p>Squat Cleans (115/80)</p><p>100 reps for time</p><p>Switch as needed</p><p>(10 min Cap)</p><p>4 min Rest</p>
Metcon (Distance)
<p>Station 3</p><p>10 min max distance sled push, </p><p>Switch as needed </p>

CrossFit – Fri, Sep 6

Metcon (Time)
<p>10-1</p><p>Hang Snatch (95/65) (135/95 RX+)</p><p>Box Jumps (24/20) (30/24 Rx+)</p><p>rest 3 min</p><p>10-1</p><p>Hang High Pulls (95/65) (135/95 RX+)</p><p>Box Facing Step Overs (24/20) (30/24 Rx+)</p>