CrossFit – Mon, Sep 16

Deadlift (Weight)
<p>Deadlift + Barbell Push Ups</p><p>20 min EOMOM (10 rounds)</p><p>Complete 10 DL and 10 Barbell Push Ups per round. Weight stays the same on the DLs.</p>
Metcon (Time)
<p>21-15-9</p><p>Ring Dips</p><p>Front Rack Barbell Lungs (95/65)</p>

CrossFit – Sat, Sep 14

Metcon (Time)
<p>Teams of Two</p><p>2 rounds</p><p>25 Synchronized Bar Over Burpees</p><p>50 alternating box jump overs<br>75 Synchronized Partner Thrusters (135/95)</p><p>100 Synchronized DU</p><p>200m Partner Sled Push (both partners push the sled)</p><p>35 min Cap</p>

CrossFit – Fri, Sep 13

1-Mile Run (Time)
Max Effort 1-Mile Run
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
<p>10 min AMRAP of </p><p>Renegade Row – Right (55/35)</p><p>Renegade Row – Left</p><p>Hang Clean – Right</p><p>Hang Clean – Left</p><p>DB Press – Right</p><p>DB Press – Left</p><p>Manmaker</p><p>Add One rep to each movement after each round is completed.</p>