CrossFit – Sat, Aug 17

Snatch (Weight)
Fran (Time)
Thrusters, 95# / 65#

CrossFit – Fri, Aug 16

Metcon (Time)
<p>800m Run</p><p>then</p><p>40-30-20-10</p><p>OHS (75/55)</p><p>Box step overs</p><p>then</p><p>800m Run</p>

CrossFit – Thu, Aug 15

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
<p>20min AMRAP</p><p>100m OH DB Walk (55/35) (both DB)</p><p>50 Toes to DB</p><p>50m Single DB Walking Lunge</p><p>25 swings (right arm)</p><p>25 swings (left arm)</p><p>25m DB Plank walk (hold DB in plank position and walk them </p><p>25 DB Squats</p>