CrossFit – Sat, Aug 31

Death By DU (AMRAP – Rounds)
Start with 20 and keep adding 10 each minute thereafter;
For singles, start with 20 and then add 20/minute
Metcon (Time)
<p>Teams of 2</p><p>1600m Row</p><p>100 Box Jumps</p><p>rest 2 min</p><p>1600m Run</p><p>100 Back Squats (135/95)</p><p>rest 2 min</p><p>80 Bar over Burpees</p><p>50 Ring Rows</p><p>rest 2 min</p><p>800m Row</p><p>50 Box Jumps</p><p>800m Run</p><p>50 Back Squats</p><p>40 BOB</p><p>25 Ring Rows</p>