CrossFit – Sat, Aug 10

Metcon (Time)
<p>Teams of 2 </p><p>Each piece of equipment has to complete a 200m Run down and a 200m Run Back</p><p>200m Plate/Barbell Runs (95# / 55# barbell set ups) (so that would be 3 total runs per team)</p><p>60 Thrusters (95/55)</p><p>400m Plate Runs (partner 1 runs 200m back to return the 25/10 plate then runs 200m back with the 35/15 plates; partner 2 does the same with the 2nd 35/15 plate)</p><p>50 snatches (115/85)</p><p>400m Plate Runs (partner 1 runs 200m back to return the 35/15 plate then runs 200m back with the 45/25 plates; partner 2 does the same with the 2nd 45/25 plate)</p><p>40 power cleans (135/85)</p><p>200m Plate/Barbell Runs (return the barbell + 2 plates = 3 total runs)</p>