CrossFit – Wed, Jun 26

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
<p>25 min AMRAP</p><p>Perform 30 Sit Ups + 30 Hollow Rocks buy in every 5 min including to start the WOD (time 0:00)</p><p>then complete as many rounds and reps as possible of</p><p>30 DU</p><p>20 Swings</p><p>10 Single DB Renegade Rows RIght</p><p>10 Single DB Renegade Rows Left</p><p>2 Wall Walks</p>

CrossFit – Tue, Jun 25

Metcon (Weight)
<p>16 min EOMOM</p><p>1 Hang Snatch + 2 Power Snatch + 3 OHS</p><p>Increase weight up to round 6; Use same weight for rounds 6, 7, &amp; 8</p><p>Score is Wt used for Rds 6-8<br> </p><p><br> </p>
Metcon (Time)
<p>12-9-6-3</p><p>Snatch Squat (115/80)</p><p>Bar over Burpees</p>

CrossFit – Mon, Jun 24

Metcon (Time)
<p>5 Rounds of</p><p>10 Clusters (95/65)</p><p>10 Pull Ups</p><p>400m Run</p>