30s Power Clean (95/65)
30s Shoulder to Overhead
30s Thruster
rest 2 min
1 min PC
1 min S2O
1 min Thruster
rest 3 min
1:30 PC
1:30 S2O
1:30 Thruster
Score is total reps
Max Plate Grip Hold (45/25)
Hold until you drop (rest 1 min)
Hold until you drop (rest 1 min)
Hold until you drop
Score is total hold time (including two minutes of rest)
Metcon (Time)
2 rft
20 box jumps, (30/24)
20 c2b pullups
40 swings (70/55)
40 pistols, alternating (10 each leg)
60 toes-to-bars
60 overhead squats, (95/65)
80 butterfly sit-ups
80 medicine-ball cleans
100 burpees
100 double-unders