3 rounds
800m Run
60 Double Unders (180 Singles)
40 Wallballs
20 Push Ups

Don’t forget to sign up for the Cheval Cares 5k benefitting the Pediatric Cancer Foundation.  You can sign up at www.chevalcares5k.com

We have team Bitty shirts available at the box for $15.  All proceeds benefit the Pediatric Cancer Foundation.

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12 Min EMOM
3 power cleans
3 front squats
3 push press
(all three movements are completed within the same minute)
Athlete chooses weight and sticks with it during WOD



2 rounds
1 minute max hollow rocks
1 minute max reverse burpees
1 minute max weighted sit ups (20/15)
1 minute rest



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We had a great nutrition seminar!  Don’t forget to sign up for either the competition or the Fat Loss Challenge!
