10 min AMRAP

30 DUs

5 wallballs

30 DUs

10 wallballs

30 DUs

15 wallballs

Continue to increase by 5 wallballs



rest 2 minutes


10 min AMRAP

5 swings

30 hollow rocks

10 swings

30 hollow rocks

15 swings

30 hollow rocks

continue to increase by 5 swings
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5 rm back squat



2 minutes max back squats 135/95

rest 1 minute

6 min AMRAP

6 power cleans

6 over the bar burpees


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Skill focus:

HSPU and hand stand walks




10 hspu

15 ring dips

20 pullups

30 pushups

40 situps


Congrats to Sebastian and Jessilyn who were engaged this weekend and congrats to the Illas family who welcomed their daughter, Vivian Rose, on Sunday!


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