7min max burpees

rest 5 min

7min EMOM

100m sprints


Happy birthday to coach Monica!!

Happy birthday to coach Monica!! We love your leg warmers!

Happy birthday to Nikki! Thank you for always being available to help with childcare!

Happy birthday to Nikki! Thank you for always being available to help with childcare!


30 clean and jerks 135/95


rest 5 min

death by snatches 95/65

Get after it ladies! Have to say the girls killed "Grace" tonight!

Get after it ladies! Have to say the girls killed “Grace” tonight!

grace2 grace3


400m run

21 swings 55/35

12 pull ups


Rest 5 min

8min AMRAP

3 hollow rocks

3 goblet squats 55/35

6 hollow rocks

6 goblet squats
