
ring rows

TGU 50/25

wallballs 20/14

**15 min cut off**

4x400m run

**4 min time cap for each 400 and record slowest time**

TRIAD this Saturday at CCP.. we are hosting SPARTA and T.G.F!  We need to kkep the trophy! If you are not able to join the FREE competition then just come out and cheer everyone on! There will be BBQ available for lunch! Going to be a great day!

TRIAD this Saturday at CCP.. we are hosting SPARTA and T.G.F! We need to keep the trophy! If you are not able to join the FREE competition then just come out and cheer everyone on! Fun begins at 9AM. There is no childcare available for this event. Please feel free to bring a tent and tailgate chairs if you want! Westchase BBQ will be here around 11!

monica2 Welcome to the team Coach Monica! We are very happy to have you! MONICAMobility TABATA Mashup

Weighted Squat Hold/Childs Pose

10 min EMOM

5 Squat Cleans (70% of 1rm)

5 Burpees

rest 4 min

Buc’s Fitness Challenge WOD #3

100 DU’s

15 PC 135/95

25 Box Jump Overs

30 Swings 55/35

25 Box Jump Overs

15 PC


alice nat 10283 minAMRAP

5 DB snatches 55/35

50M OH plate carry 45/25

15 HR push ups

rest 2 min

6 min AMRAP

*repeat exercises*

rest 3 min

9 min AMRAP

*repeat exercises*

Score is total reps