Jennifer Hess
Jen is a CF Level 2 Trainer and has completed the CF Weightlifting Specialty Course. She is married with four children. She graduated from USF with a Bachelor’s Degree in Exercise Science/Wellness in 1994. Since then, she has worked as a fitness instructor, personal trainer, and gymnastics instructor. She is a former gymnast and has always had a passion for fitness. She started CrossFit in June of 2011 and has seen amazing changes in her fitness level since then. She loves the challenge that each workout brings and the high felt upon completion of a workout. She also truly enjoys helping others achieve their fitness goals and improve their lives.
I believe in Fit Citrus Park because
“…because it has made me fitter than I ever thought possible.”
I wish every workout had
“Camaraderie, support and minimal intimidation.”
I could go the rest of my life without doing another
“Tuck jumps, but I know that will never happen.”

Sophia Villarino
Sophia joined the team of coaches in 2023 and is a CF Level 1 trainer and National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer. She is a graduate of FSU possessing a B.S. in Psychology and is pursuing a Masters in Exercise Science from USF. Sophia has played competitive soccer throughout her childhood and teen years, and when it came to an end after high school she fell into CrossFit and has been doing it ever since.
I believe in CrossFit because
“Training is for longevity. I love how it allows you to not only be in the best physical and mental shape, but gives you the best sense of camaraderie.”
I wish every workout had
“Double Unders”
I could go the rest of my life without doing another

Chris Geier AKA Big Dog
Chris began his fitness journey as a member in 2015 and joined the team of coaches in 2024. He is a graduate of UCF possessing a B.S. in Kinesiology with a minor in beer pong. Chris has competed in wrestling in high school. He joined the gym to enhance his athletic performance as a teenager and has continued to pursue further education and certifications in health and fitness.
I believe in Fit Citrus Park because
“Fit Citrus Park is awesome, bro.”
I wish every workout had
“Power cleans”
I could go the rest of my life without doing another

Nikki White
Nikki has been training at Fit Citrus Park since the age of 13. She joined the gym with her family back in 2012. Nikki has played soccer since she was young and continues to play recreationally. She is a graduate of the University of South Florida, St. Petersburg with a degree in Environmental Science. She loves weightlifting and is training for her Level 1 USA Weightlifting certification. She also has a gym pup named Iron Mike Tyson.
I believe in Fit Citrus Park because
“I love the challenge of the workouts.”
I wish every workout had
I could go the rest of my life without doing another
“Pistol squat”

Ryan Lichtenfels
Ryan joined the gym in 2013 along with his wife and two children and enjoys the challenge of the workouts. Playing baseball since he was young, Ryan has always had a passion for sports and fitness and he continues to coach baseball in Citrus Park.
I believe in Fit Citrus Park because
“Best workout in town.”
I wish every workout had
“Push Ups”
I could go the rest of my life without doing another
“Sled push”

Dan Bergin
Dan is a CF Level 2 Trainer. He is a father of three girls, husband, professional engineer and part time golf pro. Dan graduated from the University of Florida in 2004 with a degree in Environmental Engineering. Dan played sports throughout high school and college but found it difficult to continue once he had a family. He enjoys the competition and intensity fitness training.
I believe in CrossFit because
“I like results and I like them fast. No fitness program comes close.”
I wish every workout had
“Clean and Jerks”
I could go the rest of my life without doing another
“Pistol squat”

Vanessa Bergin
Vanessa is a CF Level 1 trainer. She is married to Coach Dan and has three daughters. Vanessa graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management and a Master’s degree in Elementary Education. She began training in 2011 and fell in love with the sport. She loves the mental and physical challenge and thrives on the feeling of accomplishment after completing the workouts. She also loves to watch the transformation that take place as people get in to the best shape of their lives.
I believe in CrossFit because
“No activity has ever given me the confidence in myself. I have achieved things I never thought possible since beginning the sport. It helps me show my daughters that girls can be strong too!”
I wish every workout had
“Power Snatches”
I could go the rest of my life without doing another
“Ring Dips”

FIt Citrus Park
7615 Ehrlich Rd.
Tampa, FL 33625