7min AMRAP

10 swings 5/55

5 power cleans 155/105

rest 3 min

7min AMRAP

10 burpees

5 deadlifts 275/155

400m run x 2

**every second slower the second run x burpees**

Happy Birthday Girls!

Happy Birthday Girls!


3RM Snatch


1 min max wallballs

1 min max double under

1 min rest

5rds wallballs

In teams of 4: 2 boys 2 girls 

10 min cap 

find a 1rm deadlift 

10min AMRAP 

100m sprints 

*team total* 

10 min AMRAP 

max swings 55/35 

*team total* 

**Congrats to those who made it on the “no gain campaign” 

Jessica and Jessilyn 

David S 

Cristina D 

Ryan E 

Jen M 

Christina T