9 min AMRAP

10 hang snatch 115/75

10 hand release pushups


2 min rest


9 min AMRAP

10 ring dips

10 box jumpsimage


Congratulations to Brent and Janette on the birth of their baby girl.  Welcome to the world, Caitlin!



20 min AMRAP

2 muscle ups

4 hspu

8 swings 75/55



For time:

800 m run, rest 2 min

400 m run, rest 1 min

200 m run

*include rest in time



In honor of Chief Petty Officer Nate Hardy, who was killed Sunday February 4th during combat operations in Iraq. Nate is survived by his wife, Mindi, and his infant son Parker.

Complex: 1 power clean, 2 hang squat cleans, 1 power clean



10-1 clusters 95/65

1-10 t2b

for time
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