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Squat Snatch (10 min EMOM 3 Rep Squat Snatch
Metcon (Time)
400m Run
30 Back Squats (135/95)
400 m run
30 Push Press (135/95)
400m Run

100 Hollow Rocks
80 Burpees
60 Wallballs
40 Toes to Bar
20 Dumbbell Burpee Box Step Ups (55/35)

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Team Fran
Teams of 3
800m Equipment run
100 Thrusters (95/65)
100 Pull Ups
150 Burpees
100 Thrusters
100 Pull Ups
800m Equipment Run
None of the Equipment is allowed to touch the ground during the WOD; if it does it is a 30 burpee penalty.