Entries by ccp


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) Back Squat Max Reps in one minute Set 1: 135/95 rest 4 min Set 2: 185/125 rest 4 min Set 3: 225/155 Metcon (Time) “It’s a Trap” Complete 100 burpees while performing a 200m Run every two minutes. (Start with a 200m Run @ 0:00.)


3 rounds 25 DU 20 Russian Twists (55/35) 15 Alt DB Snatches (55/35) 10 T2B rest 3 min 2 rounds 25 DU 20 RT 15 Alt DB Snatches 10 T2B rest 2 min 1 round 25 DU 20 RT 15 Alt DB Snatches 10 T2B


Metcon: 6 min to complete 30 Wallballs 30 Swings (55/35) max box jumps rest 4 min 6 min to complete 30 swings 30 box jumps max Wallballs rest 4 min 6 min to complete 30 box jumps 30 wallballs max swings Score is total reps of max box jumps, max wallballs, and max swings