
Metcon (Time)
Teams of 2
4 rounds
P1 500m Row
P2 20 snatches (95/65)
P1 20 snatches
P2 20 OHS
P1 20 OHS
P2 500m Row
rest 1 min
(Partner 1 changes to Partner 2 for the even rounds. Partner 2 changes to partner 1 for the even rounds)


Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
20 min AMRAP
1 50m Suicide
5 box jumps
5 ring rows
5 knees to elbow
2 50m Suicide
10 box jumps
10 ring rows
10 k2e
and so on


Metcon (Time)
Anyway you want it style
300 DU
150 Swings (35/25)
200 Situps
100 Hollow Rocks
100 Pull Ups
50 Plank Push Ups
30 min Cap