photo 1-11run 400m

20 Deadlifts 95/65

run 400m

20 Power cleans

run 400m

20 Hang Squat Cleans

run 400m

20 Thrusters

run 400m

20 Clusters



30 min AMRAP 

100 DU’s 

90 sit ups 

80 squats 

70 swings 55/35

60 alt lunges 

50 wallballs 

40 burpees 

30 box jumps 

20 man makers 55/35

10 pull ups 

**score is total reps**

photo 1-10 photo 2-10

Front Squat week #5



med ball crossover pushups

squat snatch 95/65

One WOD on Thanksgiving at 9am.. childcare available.

One WOD on Thanksgiving at 9am.. childcare available.

On Friday 11/28 classes will be 8am 930am 430pm and 530pm ONLY!!

On Friday 11/28 classes will be 8am 930am 430pm and 530pm ONLY!!